

Who holds the power?

By | Education, Learning

I recently came across a piece of research linked to the concept of “power” within our relationships with children, and especially within the context of faith developing in children. Annemie Dillen (1) suggests that looking at the Christian tradition of developing faith in young children reveals a “complex interplay” between the power of children and the power of adults. She…

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Whose Values?

By | Education, Learning

The introduction of British Values into Early Years was met with a raft of confusion and an abundance of resources available (at a charge!) on numerous Early Years websites. The range of posters displaying the Queen, the Union flag, roast dinners and tea parties not only showed the depth of misunderstanding, but served to promote exclusivity and not the “mutual…

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Mother and daughter reading book

Tell Me The Old, Old Story

By | Education, Learning, Spirituality

I’ve been pondering why we love stories so much and why children love to have their favourites read over and over again, and as I pondered the words of the old hymn came into my mind. I don’t think I have ever really looked at the words, but they were there somewhere hidden away. Stories bind us together, stories help…

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Child in grass

Treasuring Our Two Year Olds

By | Family, Learning, Love

It seems to me that these days it is a tough thing to be a two-year-old. How often do they hear that they need to be a “big boy or girl now”?  It’s also a time when changes are happening to them that impact their short lives in quite dramatic ways. Maybe it’s heading off to nursery, and being told…

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Child playing hide and seek

Hide and Seek

By | Family, Love, Play, Spirituality

Rebecca Nye recently wrote a wonderful article about children’s spirituality and began with a wondering question about young children’s encounters with God: “What can we know of their spirituality? Perhaps playing a game of hide and seek is a good analogy here. What we are looking for is certainly already ‘there’ somewhere, but it can be hidden in so many…

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Girl in park

Assessment or Acceptance

By | Learning, Spirituality

We live in a time of overwhelming assessment. From the cradle to the grave, it seems we must be measured, tested, checked against standards…and probably found wanting. If this leaves us feeling uneasy and unhappy, then how much more is it impacting on the lives of our youngest children? In the last few weeks I have listened to inspirational talks…

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Becoming a parent

By | Family, Joy, Spirituality

Becoming a parent is one thing that changes our lives forever and some days it all just seems to be too much.  Wherever we look there is advice coming from every direction. And what is right one week may not be the right thing to do next week! Then we are to build “partnerships” with parents in our work as…

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