

A Suitcase for Stories

By | Creativity, Education, Family, Joy, Learning, Love, Music, Play, Prayer, Spirituality, Uncategorized

A few years ago, I read “The Boy who Would Be a Helicopter” by Vivien Gussin Paley. This was her description of her work in Chicago around storytelling and story-acting. She describes how she worked with children to “scribe” their stories, recording them word-for-word as told by the children. The story was then acted out by the child and friends…

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Child in grass

A US environment for Twos

By | Creativity, Education, Family, Joy, Learning, Love, Music, Play, Prayer, Spirituality

Creating a successful 2-year-old environment takes a lot of planning, prioritizing and organization. Transitioning from infancy to a 2-year-old preschool can be a big adjustment. These children are usually very attached to their caregivers. It is important for the child to feel secure when they are away from home. Your classroom should offer a place for parents and children to be greeted and feel welcome. I always offer a hug and a…

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Jesus and Twos

By | Creativity, Education, Family, Joy, Learning, Love, Music, Play, Prayer, Spirituality

Jesus well understood the vulnerability of toddlers. When He was Himself about two He was taken by Joseph and His mother Mary to Egypt as a refugee. There is nothing new about the flight of families from hardship, persecution and threat of death. In fact the movement of a great people group (the Hebrews) plays a crucial role in the history of Moses. The flight from…

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