

A Suitcase for Stories

By | Creativity, Education, Family, Joy, Learning, Love, Music, Play, Prayer, Spirituality, Uncategorized

A few years ago, I read “The Boy who Would Be a Helicopter” by Vivien Gussin Paley. This was her description of her work in Chicago around storytelling and story-acting. She describes how she worked with children to “scribe” their stories, recording them word-for-word as told by the children. The story was then acted out by the child and friends…

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Child playing hide and seek

Hide and Seek

By | Family, Love, Play, Spirituality

Rebecca Nye recently wrote a wonderful article about children’s spirituality and began with a wondering question about young children’s encounters with God: “What can we know of their spirituality? Perhaps playing a game of hide and seek is a good analogy here. What we are looking for is certainly already ‘there’ somewhere, but it can be hidden in so many…

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