

Transient Art

By | Creativity, Education, Family, Joy, Learning, Love, Music, Outdoors, Play, Prayer, Spirituality

It’s great fun to make art that can be moved or changed; by children, adults or even the wind and rain! Transient art is non-permanent, constantly changing and focused on the process of creativity in action. When children work on transient art projects they manipulate, explore and experiment as they work individually or collaboratively, on either large- or small- scale artworks….

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Nurturing Creativity book reviews

By | Creativity, Education, Joy, Learning, Love, Play

Nurturing creativity Rebecca Isbell and Sonia Akiko Yoshizawa (20:1.6), National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) The NAEYC offers us a well organised and, at a basic level, comprehensive account of creativity in young child’s learning. The book is generously illustrated with photographs, diagrams and lists, and stories from nurseries. The chapters are concluded with questions to prompt…

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Creativity and Intellect by Anna Martin

By | Creativity, Education, Family, Joy, Learning, Love, Play, Prayer, Spirituality

Intelligence and creativity should not be considered as opposing alternatives , and imagination and learning are nurtured together. Albert Einstein supposedly once said: “creativity is intelligence having fun”. What a wonderful statement – and yet we often see a rivalry between ‘art’ and ‘science ‘. We can probably all name some distinctively imaginative people who ooze creativity, as well as…

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Who holds the power?

By | Education, Learning

I recently came across a piece of research linked to the concept of “power” within our relationships with children, and especially within the context of faith developing in children. Annemie Dillen (1) suggests that looking at the Christian tradition of developing faith in young children reveals a “complex interplay” between the power of children and the power of adults. She…

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Tales of Adventure, Risk and Stormy Seas

By | Education, Spirituality

After our very first visit to the New Wine Summer camp as a new Christian family, the car journey home was full of singing. Captain Alan Price had made an impression that would never be forgotten as we heartily sang “It’s an adventure following Jesus. It’s an adventure learning from him”. Those days were our first introduction to life in…

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