Assessment in Early Years

We know that each of the children in our care is uniquely created by our loving God and Father and that He has a plan and a purpose for each of their lives. We know that their needs and interests and learning styles will be different.

Psalm 139 says: For You shaped me, inside and out. I am Your unique creation...... Everdetail of my life was already written in Your book. (The VOICE)

Our role is to provide every opportunity for our children to reach their God-given  potential by planning experiences which are “challenging and enjoyable.” But the experiences that one child finds challenging and enjoyable another may find intimidating, terrifying or completely impossible!

So how do we make plans that are appropriate for each uniquely individual child in our care? Every training course I have attended suggests using this “easy” cycle with the child in the centre. It begins with observations that are used to assess the child.
