You Are Never Too Old To Play

By January 31, 2019 January 21st, 2025 Joy, Love, Play, Spirituality

Play has been described as a natural language of childhood.1


We all did a whole lot of playing when we were young and learnt far more than we realise from it. Young children not only learn through play but they can have a strong connection with their creator who made them in His image. That is why we have chosen play as the medium for helping adults to understand how they can encourage and stimulate spiritual growth in young children.

We are starting a new venture in 2019 that offers  help to parents…church leaders…those working with young children…anyone who has a heart for young children. We have discerned a significant need in many churches for greater understanding of the importance of the first five years in a child’s life for spiritual growth.

A representative or small team from Love Early Years will be pleased to share with you and your church about the importance of young children in God’s kingdom. We aim to make it fun and to enable adults recapture some of the joy of playing like children. In doing this we will learn together about Jesus’ attitude to children and consider how we can more effectively pray and nurture spiritual growth in these precious young lives.

Our first event, an  Ice Cream Party – an evening of fun and learning for adults – will be held in Ipswich, Suffolk on February 8th. 

A second event is being planned in the Gloucestershire area and we would love to hear from you if you would like to see an event run in your area.

We are starting to train some of our partners as ambassadors to be available to organise events like these or we can share in a church service. In fact any event, large or small!

If you’d like to learn more, contact Ruth Andrews for further details on


1Children’s Spirituality – Rebecca Nye 2009 p78