EYFS consultation finishes THIS WEEK

By January 28, 2020 January 21st, 2025 Education, Learning, Play

Please can you take some time to complete the consultation of the review of the EYFS, which closes on Friday of this week.  This is a vital consultation to complete as the proposed changes are controversial and there is very little support for them from Early Years experts, or those working daily with young children.   Throughout the revised EYFS there is little reference to play,  and there is a serious concern about the lack of insight into the needs of  babies and very young children.
Key organisations including Early Education and TACTYC have provided responses and thoughts which can help guide your answers. This will take a little time to complete, but we must speak up for our children.  If you need help thinking through the points for each question, the Keeping Early Years Unique website has very helpfully collated the sector responses and the link to the consultation HERE   
There is also a really informative webinar with the National Children’s Bureau. This considers the issues behind the changes. Available HERE
PLEASE make some time this week to reply.If you need further help, we have put together a bullet pointed list of the TACTYC response which can be emailed. Contact Lucy: info@loveearlyyears.com

We must add our voices to those of others standing up for the uniqueness of Early Years.

Thank you