Community Theology

By May 14, 2024 January 28th, 2025 Spirituality

Community is such a rich, meaningful word that is right at the heart of God’s creation plan!

The Lord said “it is not good for man to be alone” Gen 1 :27; 2:28

God created human beings in his own likeness The Bible is clear that there is community within God himself (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and that mankind was created for community.

Being ‘made in God’s image’, means we are built for relationship. At our core, our most fundamental need is to love and be loved – in a word, to belong!

It is in such relationships where we can learn sacrificial, caring love and the rich stimulation of friendships. There we can talk and listen, think deep thoughts, create beauty together and to work alongside each other as partners in the care of the earth. These are just a few dimensions of all that it means to be ‘made in the image of God’, and it is our role and responsibility to nurture our precious children in this way.

Even in male dominated Bible times, Jewish children were included with their mothers in religious celebration and festivals events at the temple or the synagogue. These opportunities enabled children to experience community amongst a wide variety of people.

As a young boy Jesus was integrated into his local community, sharing with his brothers and sisters, learning carpentry skills from his earthly father Joseph, nurtured and loved by his mother Mary in his early years. From the beginning of his earthly life there are numerous references to ‘family’. Luke 2 v22 ‘Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Jerusalem; there they presented him to the Lord’.

Every year Jesus’ parents went to the Passover feast, as a young boy he would share these exciting family adventures with his brothers and sisters and other families in the wider community. What a rich time of learning about relationships and friendships with others that Jesus would have experienced at those times.

As Christians in our communities today it is important that we recognise the need to support and encourage young children to have many varied opportunities to experience the love of God through a wide variety of activities and relationships.

Sadly, it is apparent that support for Christians and local churches to offer effective, meaningful opportunities such as these are sometimes lacking.

We are very thankful and encouraged in our work with Love Early Years to know of many Christian nurseries and playgroups doing a wonderful work of providing excellence in education and a secure loving place where young children can experience the love of God for themselves. There is a need for more experienced staff to be available for such places, also more young people to consider this important area of work when considering their future careers!

Some churches today are also recognising the importance of reaching out into the community with names such as ‘community church’, offering activities and opportunities for relationships with people of all ages and faiths. Many churches also provide excellent parent and toddler groups to connect with local families.

Our experience of working with Broadmead Baptist Church in Northampton (now known as Broadmead Community Church!) to establish Samuels Christian Nursery many years ago, has enabled us to witness the immense value of such opportunities. Together we shared the joys and heartaches of community situations. We saw the fun, laughter and joy on the faces so many young children as they were touched by the love of Jesus in such a tangible way!

What a fun way to experience community!

Ruth Andrews